Every day you LOSE over HALF of your potential guest bookings 🤯

Unlock the PROVEN accommodation blueprint in just 1 Hour to STOP losing bookings

Take Action Today for Tomorrow’s Slow Period

1 Hour Action Plan

This reliable blueprint has all the info you need to get more bookings on a consistent basis without adding anything to your weekly to-do list


Exclusive Webinars

Unlock 10+ Hours of Exclusive Additional Trainings on Accommodation Marketing & Website Optimisation

BONUS: Design Checklist

Convert more people into bookings. Written so you can literally just drag and drop it into your website designer’s inbox. If you designed the website, just follow the steps!

BONUS: SEO Checklist

Climb the Google Rankings with a few clicks. Also written so you can literally just forward the document straight to your website designer. Or follow along if you handle your website!

BONUS: Marketing Cheat Sheet

This document is the EXACT blueprint where you layout how to talk about your accommodation & ensure people BEG to stay at yours.

BONUS: Copywriting Formula

The website text formula for a Google-ranking optimised homepage. Literally just fill out the blank spaces for an easy & effective homepage.

Bookings Workshop

$247 $397

Limited Time Offer

1 Hour Action Plan

This “Bookings Workshop” unlocks the secret tactics to increase your guest bookings. No additional weekly work. Just a few small tweaks made in 1 hour that make a MASSIVE impact.


BONUS: Design Checklist


BONUS: SEO Checklist


BONUS: Marketing Cheat Sheet


BONUS: Copywriting Formula


1 Time Payment (no subscription) for Full Access

Immediate Access. Secure Purchase. Risk-Free.

1 Month Bootcamp

$497 $897

Limited Time Offer

1 Hour Action Plan


Week 1 - Marketing Deep Dive


Week 2 - Marketing Strategy


Week 3 - Website Optimisation Masterclass


Week 4 - Website Blueprint


BONUS: 1 Hour Social Media Guide


BONUS: Design Checklist


BONUS: SEO Checklist


BONUS: Marketing Cheat Sheet


BONUS: Copywriting Formula


1 Time Payment (no subscription) for Full Access

Immediate Access. Secure Purchase. Risk-Free.

These Marketing & Website Optimisation Tactics have worked for ENDLESS websites that I’ve built and CONSISTENTLY convert to an increase in bookings.

The tactics can be implemented with a few clicks straight onto your website and only require watching a few tutorials.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you

100% Guarantee if you “do the work”. “Do the work” technically involves completing the core modules. If you’ve done that and for whatever reason aren’t 100% happy with your experience, drop me an email (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and I’ll happily refund your entire payment . 

Unlock the Secret to Skyrocketing Your Bookings

Implement proven strategies for ranking on Google and Converting website visitors to actual Bookings and watch your occupancy rates soar with my exclusive Luxury Accommodation Bookings Blueprint.

This isn’t just theory; it’s a step-by-step breakdown that has already transformed numerous luxury accommodations marketing strategies to have long-term sustainable bookings.

Why the Blueprint is Different:

  • Immediate Results: Implement actionable strategies that have been proven to boost online visibility and attract more guests—fast.
  • Expert Insights: Leverage the techniques I’ve used to elevate multiple accommodations to the #1 spot on Google, ensuring they’re not just seen, but booked.
  • Sustainable Success: Learn how to consistently achieve full occupancy without relying on expensive ads or agencies.

Join a Select Group of Thriving Luxury Accommodation Owners

With members being carefully selected and on an invite-only basis this course and community is no where to be found on the web. I want to ensure that this platform remains as valuable to you as possible, and to do that I’ve kept it exclusive and all the information highly specific to your needs.

Stop Losing Books Every Day.

Take Action Now

Who’s Elliot? 👋

I’m an expert in tourism and marketing.

I started my business at 14 doing $5 logos with unlimited changes and then started making websites for small businesses at age 16.

Over the years I’ve designed the websites for some of South Australia’s most recognisable tourism brands like Urimbirra Wildlife Park, Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park, Raptor Domain, Penneshaw Penguin Centre, Baird Bay Ocean Eco Experience and many more.

I then started working with some of South Australia’s most reputable luxury accommodations and found my true calling; helping accommodation owners get more bookings with my SEO & marketing knowledge.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you – if you’re actually going to do the work 😉

“Do the work” technically involves completing the core modules. If you’ve done that and for whatever reason aren’t 100% happy with your experience, drop me an email (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and I’ll happily refund your entire payment .Â